Tuesday 13 December 2011

A big rumor joke

This is really a big joke-An army of 500 people carrying HIV positive syringes will come in Anna’s hunger strike against graft in ramlila maidan from 27 dec and will infect the whole crowd ….According to a warning letter given to Delhi Police they say that they are doing this because they do not want common people to suffer because of this movement, they say the common man is the biggest victim of this movement..they are afraid that people from terrorist outfits can take advantage of this huge crowd and again things like Bombay blast will occur.
this was the biggest joke of yesterday..now everybody is discussing on this arbit topic…these bloody news channels were showing big discussions of 2-2 hours on this fucking topic...but is anybody interested in knowing who are these people???who has so much time to build such a bloody army??and by doing so are they helping common man???this will be a bigger disaster to humanity than what these blasts or natural calamities are doing..this will completely ruin our forthcoming generations and the future of india...this is only a rumor which is either bieng spreaded by anti-Anna group or by some other external agency outside India…Even  if we suppose that this information is true....now we are so weak that we cant even control these 500 people who want to create nuisance. How can someone come and spread HIV virus when somebody is peacefully demonstrating for a noble cause??this is a tight slap on the face of our security and intelligence…are we so impotent that we can not handle this situation??
The answer to this is : no we are not that weak...if our agencies want to stop all this they can do it within seconds...and if they dont do it than its very clear that all this is politically motivated in order to break a strong agitation against corruption. 

1 comment:

  1. those 500 ppl are sick...wat anna is dng is for the common ppl..if they want to protect them then they shud come fwd & join the crowd & help each other against this pinchi corruption..if its pure politics thn mirchi wali danda unke pichwade mai..this news mite be just to bring fear into ppl's mind..& stop them from coming.
