Friday 13 January 2012

No Reservation Please !


There’s always a revolt lying deep down in the roots of the govt. One can only hold it for a limited period of time by providing the masses with basic amenities like food to eat ,shelter and security, leave the classes they have the ability to earn , struggle and survive. Once these privileges are overshadowed by scams, corruptions and reservation particularly in India, the volcanic eruption that is lying deep down will erupt and will turn the well established governmental structures into ashes. The very people who are responsible to take you over there in the commanding position will have the ability to put you down there where few months back Gaddafi was and a year back Saddam was. we the masses which are like dried grass fly towards the direction showed to us by the political breeze and one should not forget that the dried grass has the quality of being highly inflammable and the recent happening of giving reservation on the basis of religion is sufficient to ignite the dried grass. We are Indians we are not supposed to be reserved leave this cheap politics of casteism, regionalism and religionism, Because if the masses revolt you can control them but if the classes revolt no power in the world has the ability to subdue it. We never wanted to witness a revolution, but we should always be ready for I as it is lying live deep inside all of us.

You have already divided us on the basis of caste. Today we call rahul Gandhi as the leader of youths. But this is really pathetic that he is also not having the balls to protest against the things which are wrong.infact he is also supporting the bloody politics of reservation just to increase his vote bank. He is far ahead than the other politicians. They divided us on the basis of caste and he wants to divide us one the basis of religion.In further we will not be called as a country with unity in diversity.

Wednesday 11 January 2012

India Shining

We say India is shining. Lets see are we really shining??
Today more than 820 million people in the world suffer from hunger; and 790 million of them live in the Third World. .India is the majority of Third World…. It’s 21 Century and still there are people who sleep empty stomach. Earlier it was said that India Lives in villages….Now there’s change..India lives on footpath and in slums. We say “India is shining” and “we are developing”, but from where and in what aspects??
Developing a part of society does not mean the development of whole country. In fact this will create two diagonally different sections in the society i.e. rich and poor, which may lead to increase in crime rate or may be an internal war between these two sections.
We are living in a country where we have to fight so that a law can be passed by the so called peoples representative in parliament….the so called ‘PRESTIGE” of India which is planning to pass a resolution providing daily meals to every poor…So late emerged an idea to discuss such a great plan. Great Show..out of 552 members in Lok Sabha only 20 or so participate in debate others just laugh or sleep sitting comfortably in their bench getting around lakhs of rupees to attend each session. Now common man takes the initiative and is coming on road just like various other nations including Arab countries. The only difference is that we Indians somewhere believe in non violence.

Its upon us to change our fate or to live like this only accepting everything. We are the only one are solely responsible for this. Either we choose such idiots to sit on our head and decide future for us and for our coming generations or we don’t even bother to go and caste our vote. We are not at all interested in politics but when it comes about debating poor politics we can give endless views and can come out with every possible hatred we have for the government.
 Is India really shining??

Pseudo Royal Indian Army

Indian Army is again in controversy for wrong reasons. This time it’s  Lt Gen Bikram Singh, making the issue of who would be soon  heading  the world's second largest standing army in a murky affair.

The case of Gen VK Singh in itself is a great joke. Being the leader of one of the biggest army of the world, we don’t have his proper birth proof. Even he himself doesn’t know his exact birth date. This is a slap on the face of document verification process of Indian Army which is one of the most important thing for national security.

Lt Gen Bikram is surrounded by many controversies. The biggest controversy for his succession is that his daughter in law is from Pakistan. An MP has also written to the prime minister questioning Lt Gen Bikram Singh's suitability to lead the Army on the ground that his daughter in-law is belongs to a nation which is the greatest threat to our motherland. More than half of the terrorist activities are controlled from that nation.

Although the intelligence establishment, approached by the PMO, gave an clear-chit to Lt General Bikram Singh but the question is  are we so option less that we will have to give the command of the most important asset and the biggest protector of the nation to such a person who may have a spy in his own home? Definitely there will be many other deserving seniors in the race who can take the charge for this.

Indian Army really need drastic changes. More than half of the Indian army is being used as servants by their senior officials. You can find the whole platoon working at the house of commanding officer for just taking care of his gardens, dogs and cats, his kids, wife and all the fucking shits. This is not for which they are hired. They didn’t took the oath for becoming bloody servants. They were recruited for serving the mother nation. But unfortunately they are serving some greedy and foolish officials.

 This culture needs to be changed. Otherwise we would be in deep trouble. Our soldiers will not feel proud in serving the nation but they would feel shame that they are working as servants as some king’s palace with his queen, prince and princess fucking them like hell.